Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation, North Dakota

Feeling good about the way you look can make a dramatic difference in all aspects of your life. For many women, having full, shapely breasts can provide a feeling of confidence and femininity. Breast augmentation can enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts, improving appearance and self-confidence as well.

There are several reasons a woman may choose to undergo breast augmentation. Breast augmentation can enhance contour and breast size, balance a difference in size, or correct a reduction in volume after pregnancy.


Breast augmentation surgery involves using breast implants to increase the size of your breasts. Breast augmentation is also referred to as augmentation mammoplasty. Breast implant types and incision placement can vary. Dr. Paulson prefers the incision in the fold under the breast and encourages under the muscle placement.

Increase fullness and projection of your breasts – Improve the balance of your figure -Enhance your self-image and self-confidence.

This is a same-day surgery under general anesthesia. You will have a lifting restriction of 5lbs for the first 3 weeks and 30lbs weeks 4-6. You should be able to return to work with lifting precautions in 5-7 days and return to normal activities in 6 weeks. Dissolvable sutures are typically used and may need to be trimmed at 3 weeks. Excessive swelling, bruising, and tenderness decreases or disappears in the first month after surgery with mild swelling continuing up to 6 months. Your scars will continue to fade up to 2 years.

You will wear a supportive bra and a bandeau after surgery for 3 weeks. No underwire bras can be worn until 6 weeks post-op.
Sleeping elevated for the first 4-5 days will decrease post-operative swelling.
You may notice a temporary decreased or increased nipple sensation, but this should subside as you heal.

Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation

“Through my entire procedure from the first visit, the entire staff has been wonderful. I felt very comfortable and relaxed. Everyone was very friendly and informative and also very helpful. I would absolutely refer your service to everyone. I would like to thank everyone for a wonderful job.” – Jamestown, ND

*Disclaimer: The results described and displayed here and elsewhere on this site, are the individual experiences and personal opinions of those who have received those services. All results may vary and may not be permanent. The Aesthetic Center does not make guarantees of results.